ok, so let me go ahead and apologize for not posting all flippin week. i have been sick as a dog, and it was not pretty. i didnt do much of anything other than sleep, eat, move from the bed to the couch and back again, and take copious amounts of flu medicine. (ps: i am totally loving the theraflu drink thing...it made my throat feel infinitely better!) i promise i will spare yall all the gory details.
this is going to be a change of pace for me as far as blog posts go...i know i usually blog about all the things on etsy, but today i am totally supporting the stella & dot movement. anyone ever heard of stella & dot? trust me, you want to know about it.
so basically, its a jewelry line. and its pretty amazing. i dont even really wear all that much jewelry but i have to admit, there are so many things that i am coveting. i need them all! so i wanted to showcase some of the stella & dot jewelry line for you because well, its just AWESOME! and the greatest part? my best friend ashley just became a consultant, so i get all the cool information and get to peruse her catalogs and such on a pretty regular basis, which is also going to end up getting me in trouble. but whatever, totally worth it, its all adorable! if you want to know more about stella & dot jewelry, you can contact ash through the website and ask her, or just go search the website and all their jewelry here. or, here are my latest faves i wanted to share, so enjoy!
(just a side note: since its all stella & dot today, click the pictures to go to the website. and ignore all the squirrely spacing, its all screwy and im tired of fighting with it!)
uma silk wrap necklace
heirloom earrings
alana embroidered cuff
saveena flower ring
paige chandelier earrings
st. tropez statement necklace
ribbon wrapped deco ring
priya teardrop pendant necklace

kelly cuff - red/ivory
natasha embroidered bib necklace
bloom flower ring
heirloom deco bracelet

boca necklace with bee brooch
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