first turned out to be a kick ass weekend. new tattoo friday night with zeke. on the ribs again, but on the right side this time. painful, yet worth it. then dave got home and we went and hung out with jefferson and ashley. the boys jammed up in the studio and ashley dawn and i chilled out on the couch.
saturday, i literally did nothing all day long. well, i mean i sketched up ideas, made a few greeting cards, and read a book. it was really cute. i liked it. it was a quick, easy read by sophie kinsella called Twenties Girl. and then when dave got off work we went (of course) over to the cox household and hung out with jefferson, ashley, monique, and dustin. always a win.
sunday, the boys decided to play golf so me and ashley and noahbug cruised target. (ashley got me THE cutest most ridiculous and adorable shoes ever! actually, im kind of in love with her because of it!) and im pretty peeved because there was this awesome ivory knit tunic that was gathered and has a little bow...and i wanted it so bad! i totally would have rocked it with leggings and boots BUT! alas, they only had it in the baby section. so, now, charlotte gets to be adorable in the tunic and leggings! which, of course, she will totally rock. and then we went over to jorges and split some nachos and got sopapillas. YUM! holy jeebus. they were the best id ever had. scrumptious! and then we cruised around town and then headed back to their house. where the boys brought us starbucks and we watched true blood.

OH! OH MY! do NOT do it! do NOT go see district 9. im serious. you will thank me! do NOT do that to yourself! dave and i both hated it! dont pay to go see it, dont rent it, dont tivo it, dont steal it. we went and saw it yesterday. i was hacked off. i told him we should go see inglorious basterds but NO! we go see THAT instead. awful, awful, awful. blech.
on to a lighter note....
ladies...if you have not heard of e.l.f. cosmetics. you should acquaint yourself with that name immediately. no, im serious. do it. its called eyeslipsface cosmetics. and let me go ahead and tell you right now, you will, if you havent already seen the brand in magazines -- US Weekly, Glamour, Cosmo. so im telling you right now. go to right now! (well, preferably after you finish reading my blog. kthanks.) but it is makeup (duh!) and it is surprisingly amazing.
its starting to get more famous because its not tested on animals, its in cahoots with various charities, and get this....its only...are you ready? a dollar! yup. you read correct. im in love. i just placed my fifth order with them today. well, let me correct myself, the "studio" looks and minerals are like 2-5 bucks. but i have...well at least one of everything. eye shadows, mascara, liquid eye liner, eye liner, blush, cream blush, foundation, powder, bronzer, lip gloss, nail polish. you name it, ive tried it. today...i bought 16 things for...$17.98. yup. awesome huh? ive been using elf for like...4-5 months. and i love it all. the ONLY thing i admit i still get big label is my mascara. only cause im a freak about my eyelashes. but its great. plus, they always have promos. either free shipping, or 10-20% off, or something free with purchase. i even turned half the people i work with over to it. and they all like it too. i know some people are picky and like their brands, im not gonna judge. im just sayin, for those of you that want to experiment with colors and all that jazz, you should check it out.
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