last night was a win on all account. we had such a blast. we double dated with jefferson and ashley. how could it not be awesome with true blood, alcoholic beverages, jorges, movie, starbucks, and driving aimlessly like high schoolers. ahh, to be young again.
go see the ugly truth. right now. do it. it was freakin hilarious. me and ash practically had to drag dave and jefferson kicking and screaming (or with promises of scotch and mexican food) and even they loved it. let me just tell you now. it is dirty and raunchy. way dirty and way raunchy - thus, hysterical. and i am with ash. there is one part in the movie where we were both laughing so hard we were gasping for air. i cannot remember the last time i laughed so hard i cried in a movie. it was amazing. plus, katherine heigl is adorable. and lets face it, gerard butler is not too hard to look at. but then again, i do have a teensy (and by teensy i mean major) crush on him. im just saying.
i figured as long as i am recommending movies, im sure most have seen it so far. but go see the hangover. hilarity will ensue from minute one until credits role. classic gen x movie. but amazingly hilarious none the less. i have to admit i even loved it more than anchorman, dodgeball, old school. all of those. plus, how can it not be amazing with a mike tyson cameo? dave was impressed to say the least.
also, again with the tv/movie theme of this post, we bought season one of weeds this weekend, and i think i am going to start watching it tonight if i can work up the courage. we saw the first few episodes ages ago, when it was freshly on tv. but we never stuck with it for some reason. i remember thinking it was funny. but with all the hype surrounding it, we caved and bought it. i hope its as good as promised.
quick post! i thought of sharing some pictures of wedding ideas and getting opinions, but i would feel really pathetic when no one responded. so im gonna make this short and sweet.
i want it! vintage octopus necklace by cosmicfirefly
is this not super kick ass? you know its awesome! Koro light by poaplum
my oh my, what a hiatus.
second, so far untitled, but i am assuming, just "Dia de Los Muertos" or something about an altar. who knows. lets just leave it as untitled. im sad about this picture because in reality the colors are very rich, i adore it. this is going to be screen printed on tshirts, im hyped.
third, also untitled, because it is still in the works. i am currently lightening up the background and i think im going to change the color of the fish on the "cheeks" because its too close to the shells at the bottom. but still...a sneak peek.
also, in exciting news i am trying to convince dave to be a co-conspirator with me on a new etsy shop idea. im pretty hyped about it. and by new etsy shop idea, i mean a collaboration of the minds, he is an AMAZING painter for anyone who didnt know! and his art is realistic. he can take a photograph, and recreate it beautifully. i am in awe of him all the time, and this just adds to it. and i prefer to stick with my rudimentary pop-art-esque style. so were brainstorming right now. im really looking forward to our first project together. some of my most prized possessions are some pieces he did for me. including, a charcoal sketch of me, a quick pencil drawing he did of me while i was napping one day, and a glass etching of the two of us. i know, i know, im a lucky gal. ::swoon:: so keep an eye out, because with both of our "retro-vintage-skeleton-rock-indie-punk" taste, it is sure to be interesting!
ill blog again tomorrow at the latest, (our hours long monopoly game while watching the hangover last night means im gonna try and get in a cat nap this afternoon before i start working on the paintings) but i meant it when i said im back with a vengeance!