its thursday. which means its almost friday. which means its almost the weekend. in turn, im in a good mood. so i decided to share of my favorite things of the moment...
trapp candles: sexy cinnamon. different and way better than regular
old cinnamon. its a bit of a fall scent, but i am in love. they smell heavenly.
venti one pump mocha, please. delicious. my weakness.
im at starbucks nearly every day. damn you delicious caffeine!
a movie, i should definitely read it first. i got it last night when we
went to b&n. im already addicted. seriously. its that good.
my super awesome target fringe flip-flops.
dave got them for me :) he loves my inner hippie.
i do have an intense love affair with all things retro.

and then theres cobra starship. and their new song with

and then theres cobra starship. and their new song with
leighton meester. "good girls go bad" is in my head nearly 24-7.
its a strong love/hate relationship.
tomorrow all the guys are in a golf tournament and last year dave and zeke were partners. and they were also the only team in the whole tournament who decided to dress for the occasion and be twins. so they wore matching black pants, boots, and polo shirts. they looked amazingly ridiculous. and this year, of course they have to top themselves. so they brainstormed all the past week and we went shopping last night. and then i had to spend hours late into the night perfecting their outfits for them. now, let me just say...its good. real good. they look awesome. awesomely horrible. and by awesomely horrible i mean completely pathetic and ridiculous. and i even snapped a pretty little pic. BUT, since its a "secret" i cannot share until tomorrow. but beware dear friends, youre in for a treat! ok fine, fine...the suspense is going to kill you? ill give you one hint: knickers.
and not that i dont completely adore my dear fiance. but dave didnt have to work last night because of the weather, and he totally #$%! my plans. but we did have a nice evening. i mean, how can it not be an awesome evening when i drop $70 at barnes & noble and i got starbucks :) but tonight, i am damned determined to get some things done! (if the time traveler's wife doesnt distract me) i still need to grocery shop, throw in some laundry, and finish my skeleton mermaid painting. plus...DONT LAUGH! so you think you can dance is on tonight :) and i still need to watch last nights so i know whats going on! wish me luck dear readers. and look forward to next week, theres gonna be a kick ass give-away.
ashley dawn just emailed me a copy of the midnight sun draft. and thats why i adore her. but seriously, its amazing. ive read it twice before. but for anyone else who has read twilight...if you dont know already, midnight sun it is the fifth installment of the series. but it is the twilight book just in edwards point of view. it is really, really amazing. i love reading it from both sides. and there are some awesome plot lines that you never expect. LOVE it. if anyone wants a copy, let me know and ill email it to you.
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