but, im back dear readers. i know, i know...let the sighs of relief and applause commence!
lets see, nothing exciting to share from such a long break. i honestly, ::gasp:: just pretty much forgot about blogging. but im back with a vengeance! i will tell you all though, the jewelry making bizz has been put on the back burner. i missed the creative liberties and freedom that come with a blank canvas, acrylic paints, and new brushes. not that i dont love making the bracelets, but i can only do so much with a 1x1 inch wooden medallion. PLUS! i have been reinspired by all things macabre and day of the dead. so beware. but let me just fill you in on some facts and enlighten those that do not know, before everyone thinks im crazy and obsessed with death.
Wikipedia says: The Day of the Dead (El Dia de los Muertos or All Souls' Day) is a holiday celebrated in Mexico and by Latinos (and others) living in the United States and Canada. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. One of my favorite quotes about Dia de los Muertos..."Day of the Dead is not a careless or fearless confrontation of death. It is a moment to reflect upon one’s life and the cycle of life and death."
so as you can see...im definitely not sitting in a dark room, listening to fall out boy, trying to cut myself with fiskar scissors. quite the opposite! lately it has been a lot of me sitting on the floor watching season 1 of either gossip girl or true blood (watch it, i dare you) surrounding by a lot of paints, brushes, and canvases. and if im not painting im probably over at jefferson and ashleys loving on noah or playing board games. with starbucks, of course. nearly every time i see her we have to have starbucks. which, i am totally ok with. ANYWHO...here are three new canvases ive done in the last two weeks...sorry the pictures are shitty. theyre with my iphone and the colors are warped. ill be taking better pictures soon so i can post them up on etsy.
first, The Macabre Date. the picture is cropped a bit off.
but you get the idea. i am loving the neon colors.

second, so far untitled, but i am assuming, just "Dia de Los Muertos" or something about an altar. who knows. lets just leave it as untitled. im sad about this picture because in reality the colors are very rich, i adore it. this is going to be screen printed on tshirts, im hyped.

third, also untitled, because it is still in the works. i am currently lightening up the background and i think im going to change the color of the fish on the "cheeks" because its too close to the shells at the bottom. but still...a sneak peek.
also, in exciting news i am trying to convince dave to be a co-conspirator with me on a new etsy shop idea. im pretty hyped about it. and by new etsy shop idea, i mean a collaboration of the minds, he is an AMAZING painter for anyone who didnt know! and his art is realistic. he can take a photograph, and recreate it beautifully. i am in awe of him all the time, and this just adds to it. and i prefer to stick with my rudimentary pop-art-esque style. so were brainstorming right now. im really looking forward to our first project together. some of my most prized possessions are some pieces he did for me. including, a charcoal sketch of me, a quick pencil drawing he did of me while i was napping one day, and a glass etching of the two of us. i know, i know, im a lucky gal. ::swoon:: so keep an eye out, because with both of our "retro-vintage-skeleton-rock-indie-punk" taste, it is sure to be interesting!
ill blog again tomorrow at the latest, (our hours long monopoly game while watching the hangover last night means im gonna try and get in a cat nap this afternoon before i start working on the paintings) but i meant it when i said im back with a vengeance!
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