so lately ive been posting up all my favorite etsy finds, because, an addict you see. but there are SO many fun finds. (my personal favorite other than the shiny stuff is the geekery section!) ive been doing a lot of what not lately and a lot of stuff is going on with Kate Cotten Designs, so i wanted to share!
firstly, i finally added a blogger follower thing. so you can follow my blog if you want. i just didnt want to do it in the beginning because, well i was just too embarrassed to have a following button and end up with no followers. so i figured i am going to see how this works out for a while, so if you want to follow me, great. if not, i understand considering everything else, my good friends, you are doing for kate cotten.
for example...thank you to everyone who is a fan of kate cotten on facebook. its really exciting! im only(already) at 104 followers and its been about a week! plus, the even more exciting part for me...a good part of my "fans" on there...arent even my friends! theyre just people who thought i had kick ass stuff and decided to be my fan. which, i get a HUGE kick out of! its still difficult for me to be like...hey! someone other than me ACTUALLY likes my stuff! and not just cause they feel bad for me! so thats super exciting and makes me feel like a movie star! so again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
also, on my twitter account....i know, i know. twitter. some people are huge fans, some people detest it with every fiber of their being. personally? im ambivalent. some days im like...damn! its such a chore. and some days when im being like...hey look at me! im technologically legit! im still young enough to know whats going on in the world! im hip! i have a grand total of...*drum roll please*......27 followers :) im so lame. so who knows how long its going to take...BUT! if i can get 50 followers on twitter, im going to have a drawing for a $25 gift certificate! (or a free bracelet!) and if by some super power i can get to 100 twitter followers (which looks quite formidable at this point) then i am giving away a $50 gift certificate to kate cotten! (possibly more...if it looks like i may actually make it to 100 followers it might be a $50 gift certificate and two $25 gift certificates!) so if you havent already, follow me! unless you dont want to. cause i know especially of my friends on facebook from highschool and college and all twitter automatically updates me facebook status. no sense in getting it twice, right? and i get that. but THANK YOU! to all of you who have already started following me!
and as far as Kate Cotten Designs go. im branching out, baby! from canvas and bracelets to earrings, necklaces, wine cork-candelabra thingers, picture me go! even more exciting news....i am currently in talks (nothing concrete, so im trying really hard not to get my hopes up!) but i was asked by another seller on etsy who does tshirts to work on a tshirt collaboration. both of our ideas, and ill be drawing it up. its AWESOME so far. not like anything ive precious put up to sell. its mod and very linear and very KICK ASS. so if they really decide to run with this...i could basically have a tshirt i helped design! and its all awesome and unisex. (can you tell ive already pretty much gotten my hopes up?!) so im keeping my fingers crossed it all works out.
last night i finished up the rocks for a sample wedding favors request. one is green the other is lavender and she wants to see both colors before she decides which color to go with. so ALSO keeping my fingers crossed that goes well. i worked really hard and started over twice just to make sure they were perfect!
tonight...i think im going to work on some more bracelets. i have a great idea for one. its going to be pretty and feisty. ya, i said it. feisty. its girly with attitude. and simple. so hopefully i can pull that off tonight (while watching glee!) and maybe even crank out a second one tonight. im thinking of going for a vampire themed one. you know, twilight saga: new moon is coming out in 23 days. but i mean, whos counting?! (its ashley dawns birthday! and guess who already has tickets? im just sayin. im cool.)
lastly, a BIG thanks to everyone who was super kind and supportive and voted for me in ETC's October Design Challenge: Day of the Dead. i mean, really! thats my thing. i really, really want to win! theres no million dollar prize or anything, but i will get something super spiffy from another etsyian if i DO win. so heres hoping! and *in case* you did miss out on voting, and want to vote for ya go. voting ends tonight, so i promise after today, i will stop bugging everyone about it. AGAIN if you did vote...youre my hero! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
and just because i just updated everyone i wanted to share a few more fun pictures of the picture frame i just did...(just remember i am not a professional photographer, i leave that up to dave, so im sorry you can see my big man hands and iPhone in the reflection in some of the pictures)
firstly, i finally added a blogger follower thing. so you can follow my blog if you want. i just didnt want to do it in the beginning because, well i was just too embarrassed to have a following button and end up with no followers. so i figured i am going to see how this works out for a while, so if you want to follow me, great. if not, i understand considering everything else, my good friends, you are doing for kate cotten.
for example...thank you to everyone who is a fan of kate cotten on facebook. its really exciting! im only(already) at 104 followers and its been about a week! plus, the even more exciting part for me...a good part of my "fans" on there...arent even my friends! theyre just people who thought i had kick ass stuff and decided to be my fan. which, i get a HUGE kick out of! its still difficult for me to be like...hey! someone other than me ACTUALLY likes my stuff! and not just cause they feel bad for me! so thats super exciting and makes me feel like a movie star! so again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
also, on my twitter account....i know, i know. twitter. some people are huge fans, some people detest it with every fiber of their being. personally? im ambivalent. some days im like...damn! its such a chore. and some days when im being like...hey look at me! im technologically legit! im still young enough to know whats going on in the world! im hip! i have a grand total of...*drum roll please*......27 followers :) im so lame. so who knows how long its going to take...BUT! if i can get 50 followers on twitter, im going to have a drawing for a $25 gift certificate! (or a free bracelet!) and if by some super power i can get to 100 twitter followers (which looks quite formidable at this point) then i am giving away a $50 gift certificate to kate cotten! (possibly more...if it looks like i may actually make it to 100 followers it might be a $50 gift certificate and two $25 gift certificates!) so if you havent already, follow me! unless you dont want to. cause i know especially of my friends on facebook from highschool and college and all twitter automatically updates me facebook status. no sense in getting it twice, right? and i get that. but THANK YOU! to all of you who have already started following me!
and as far as Kate Cotten Designs go. im branching out, baby! from canvas and bracelets to earrings, necklaces, wine cork-candelabra thingers, picture me go! even more exciting news....i am currently in talks (nothing concrete, so im trying really hard not to get my hopes up!) but i was asked by another seller on etsy who does tshirts to work on a tshirt collaboration. both of our ideas, and ill be drawing it up. its AWESOME so far. not like anything ive precious put up to sell. its mod and very linear and very KICK ASS. so if they really decide to run with this...i could basically have a tshirt i helped design! and its all awesome and unisex. (can you tell ive already pretty much gotten my hopes up?!) so im keeping my fingers crossed it all works out.
last night i finished up the rocks for a sample wedding favors request. one is green the other is lavender and she wants to see both colors before she decides which color to go with. so ALSO keeping my fingers crossed that goes well. i worked really hard and started over twice just to make sure they were perfect!
tonight...i think im going to work on some more bracelets. i have a great idea for one. its going to be pretty and feisty. ya, i said it. feisty. its girly with attitude. and simple. so hopefully i can pull that off tonight (while watching glee!) and maybe even crank out a second one tonight. im thinking of going for a vampire themed one. you know, twilight saga: new moon is coming out in 23 days. but i mean, whos counting?! (its ashley dawns birthday! and guess who already has tickets? im just sayin. im cool.)
lastly, a BIG thanks to everyone who was super kind and supportive and voted for me in ETC's October Design Challenge: Day of the Dead. i mean, really! thats my thing. i really, really want to win! theres no million dollar prize or anything, but i will get something super spiffy from another etsyian if i DO win. so heres hoping! and *in case* you did miss out on voting, and want to vote for ya go. voting ends tonight, so i promise after today, i will stop bugging everyone about it. AGAIN if you did vote...youre my hero! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
and just because i just updated everyone i wanted to share a few more fun pictures of the picture frame i just did...(just remember i am not a professional photographer, i leave that up to dave, so im sorry you can see my big man hands and iPhone in the reflection in some of the pictures)
the birds of a feather picture frame by Kate Cotten.
soon to be up on etsy. so keep an eye out.
soon to be up on etsy. so keep an eye out.
before i touched up the black trim and gave it a clear coat.

after the clear coat, with glass and back.

the whole thing. clear coat and all. super shiny and reflective.
hooray for me! im IN LOVE with it.
hooray for me! im IN LOVE with it.

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