i was going to do another sweet halloween post...but then i was thinking to myself "nah, too generic. what about, hmmm...zombies?!" well let me tell you dear friends, i was worried i wouldnt be able to find enough zombie stuff on etsy, but oh no! i think i have managed to find zombie paraphernalia for all your needs. check it:
for all your halloween needs....

for all your dining needs.....

for all your art needs....
zombies of the deep poster by MATTY8080.

for all your home decor needs.....
zombies need love too pillow by cipolla.

for all your home decor needs.....
zombies need love too pillow by cipolla.

for all your accessorizing needs.....

for all your PETA needs.....

for all your clothing needs......

and of course, all your personal hygiene needs.....

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