so there has been a lot that has been going on since last time i posted...
ill just hit the highlights:
ashley and jefferson had their baby girl last monday. charlotte dawn cox and she is so precious, i cannot even begin to describe it! i just want to pinch her shes too cute. and on another plus side, dave and i took care of noah while they were at the hospital being induced and we spoiled him rotten. dave picked out some new shirts for him which was hilarious, because noah kept saying they were cute and dave kept trying to get him to handsome. guess you had to be there but it was adorable! and best of all, we got him a tball set. so he has it made. it was SO fun playing around on the tball set with him!
here she is miss charlotte! isnt she gorgeous? shes so pretty in pink. we totally bonded already. she loves me. im just sayin. hahaha, right.

and the extremely adorable noahbug. omg. hes my backyardigans dance partner! i love him. he was cracking us up all day long.

and this past weekend, daves older brother mike and his fiance jenn got married. rehearsal dinner friday went really well. dave cooked for everyone! and it was delicious! and then we went back to our house afterwards and had some drinks. if anyone actually reads this thing and remembers my post about dave and zeke getting moonshine a little while back. well, it was finally tested out. just the smell of it was awful.
georgia moon corn whiskey. shine on! under 30 days old.

look at what a wonderful photographer miss libby is! dave has refused to take a picture with me since ski trip! she caught us in a moment and look how cute we are! my squished nose and all. and were all cute and matching. its my new favorite.

and then saturday, the wedding. which of course dave and patrick (the youngest brother) were groomsmen and heres a little picture of them struttin' their stuff. handsome denton men, dontcha think? check out daves swagger. hahaha

and then off to the reception. which was ridiculous. in every sense of the word. but we danced our asses off, and i had fun i got to hang out with monique (cutiepie) and of course daves cousins libby and erin which freakin crack me up. but i have to admit a highlight was the denton men doing the "gator". i had heard about it. daves dad is a legendary for his gator dance but it was the first time in history all the denton boys were in on it. the picture doesnt do it justice, but you get the idea.....

so its been a pretty eventful two weeks. and thats just the two major highlights. but stay tuned, another post hopefully coming later this evening with my favorite new halloween etsy finds. youll love it. promise.
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