here are my top favorites on etsy for halloween today. im sure once i have more time to search, i will have even more super halloween wins for you! anyone else as pumped for halloween as i am? its always been my favorite. and i cant tell yet, but i think dave and i have come up with some pretty amazing costume ideas for this year....enjoy!
donnie darko-esque, anyone? black rabbit leather mask by
TomBanwell. seriously, give his etsy shop a little looksie.
his masks are all amazing.

vamps ARE the in thing. twilight, true blood. im way super
impressed by this bite me mosaic by acenal.
impressed by this bite me mosaic by acenal.

vampires desire triple fang ring by VeraMeat is a total win in my book.
if it wasnt 200 bucks i would probably already own it. :)
if it wasnt 200 bucks i would probably already own it. :)

i want this decoration for our armoire! instant cemetary
by crafterella. cute, spooky, and simple. loves it.

just try and tell me youre not impressed by this hand carved
skeleton marionette puppet by companyofmarionettes.
this is amazing. i wish i had such a talent. macabre but beautiful.
skeleton marionette puppet by companyofmarionettes.
this is amazing. i wish i had such a talent. macabre but beautiful.

saved the best for last! this is the coolest halloween costume!
im hacked off its back-ordered. wild things wolf pajamas
by handpickednecklaces. i desperately wish i could be this!
im hacked off its back-ordered. wild things wolf pajamas
by handpickednecklaces. i desperately wish i could be this!

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