ok, so who knew it took so much to join facebook? i sure as hell didnt. im surprised they didnt ask my blood type, social security number, moms maiden name, and ask for a urine sample. ahh. BUT, i have to admit, it surely is paying off. and everyone that has added me as a friend so far, i am so damn grateful, i dont think anyone has any idea how much i appreciate it. its awesome. though, i do feel bad cause all these people are probably thinking, who the hell is this? and what do they want? BUT, nonetheless im still hella appreciative.
so look at me go! im on a roll! etsy storque articles said some good ideas to try and "get yourself out there" are to go to the internet....get a blog (check!), sign up for twitter (check, check!) and get a facebook account (check, check, check!) now, lets see if i can get "out there" and see what happens. though i have to admit, it has been WONDERFUL so far, over thirty some-odd orders. and its slightly overwhelming and scary when i stop and think about it. but i just have to remind myself...this is what i was going for! so if anyone actually reads this damn thing, considering i am yet STILL too pathetic to have followers....stick with me. bring on the adventure!
i am still hoping on that whole winning the lottery thing, because then ill open my own boutique/art gallery/bookstore. thats my uber dream. a bookstore where you can also come in and sit and lounge. but also has art up on the walls from (me, of course) and local artists. maybe even a place for a little stage and have local bands come in and play with a little coffee shop. a huge all-in-one. it will never happen...but a girls allowed to dream, right?