i hate buying gifts. let me just say that. for some unknown reason, i cannot just BUY a gift, i have to find the perfect gift for everyone, everytime. and im not sure why. even if someone tells me what they want, or gives me ideas, i cant do it. it has to be perfect! i think im perversely addicted to seeing someones face when you give them the gift and theyre so excited and happy and surprised and thankful all at the same time. its nuts. and the month of april has provided me with more than a few occasions...my moms birthday, my dads birthday, my friends baby shower, my friends birthday, and then mothers day is right around the corner. ahhh. i just put too much damn pressure on myself.
just for your reading pleasure, i am going to share with you a quick story from my childhood... it was like....hmmm....i believe my 4th birthday, and my aunt and uncle kept asking me what i wanted. and i, of course, being so cute and adorably 3, could not decide, all i wanted was an easy bake oven (i know, awesome, right?!) but apparently my parents had already gotten it so my aunt and uncle needed more ideas. i just kept saying i dont know. so they told me if i couldnt decided i was going to get a dr. pepper can and grass. i still couldnt decide. SO, my birthday rolls around and everyone comes over to the house to celebrate and i was SO excited my parents had gotten me an easy bake oven! then its my aunt and uncles turn...i open my present and im SO super excited because i LOVE my aunt and uncle....and inside the wrapping is.....an empty dr pepper can and a few handfuls of cut grass. awesome. but then my aunt surprises me with an amazingly adorable little picnic table/bench that she had hand-painted with me and her dalmation, boomer. it was the best thing ever. so maybe that is why i always strive to get the best presents. especially for my parents too, i mean theyre the best parents anyone could hope to have, theyre super supportive of everything i do, me and dave (my fiance), and the wedding, and my life and dreams and ambition. and i take present buying seriously to try and make it great. and so far, i dont think its really working out for me.

but i have to admit, i am pretty hyped about my dads gift. i got him a pair of tiddies. (get your mind out of the freakin gutter!) you know, the sandals? apparently they were way hip back in the day when my dad was in college. and he always mentions them. so i, being a kick ass daughter, found a pair of tiddies. and i know, i know. theyre not the coolest, or most expensive. but i know he is gonna be SUPER hyped about them. and that makes me happy. i have to admit, i tried them on. and holy nuts. i totally see why he loves them. they might just be the ugliest and most comfortable shoes in the ENTIRE world. i think im going to have to get a pair for myself.
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