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6:54 AM

i feel like death. stupid bronchitis. i can barely breathe. i just coughed so hard i could swear my right lung just came out and slid across my desk. awesome. oh look! there it is, over by the door. awesome. i might need that back. and yet, somehow, im still at work. not gonna lie, i am trying my damnedest and im not sure i am going to make it past lunch. i guess we will see.
i do have to update, i made another bracelet this weekend, and i have to admit, it is probably my favorite thus far. and thats kind of a hard thing to do. but i think i managed to top myself. kick ass. its a square pendant with rows of skulls. i know, weird if thats not your thing, but im weird enough that it is totally my thing. well, one of them at least. ANYWHO...its pretty awesome, took FOREVER, but totally worth it. i will post a picture of it on here later, and post it up to etsy, hopefully by tomorrow afternoon. plus, i am beyond hyped i have a new bead shipment coming in today and i ordered some awesome tensha beads along with an amazing array of any kind of bead you can think of. i adore it.
in other news, i think i am newly addicted to hair pieces. not like wigs, and stuff like that (although with my different hair colors, and as often as i change it, it probably looks like a wig by now....) BUT, like the hair fascinators, and amazing headbands. im in love. here are a few of my FAVORITES....

"Hope for Spring" by MissRubySue. i am in total lust after this headband. everything in MissRubySue etsy store, is amazing. check it out, i dare ya.
"White Feather Flower with White Pearls Center Birdcage Fascinator" by BrendasBridalVeils. i will DEFINITELY be wearing one of BrendasBridalVeils next year when dave and i get married.
i will update again later and show some more fascinators and hair pieces, because trust me, just search through etsy and you will find hundreds upon thousands of ones to go on the "must have" list. these are my favorites so far. ive already gone so far to pick out my wedding day fascinator so i can match my dress to it, instead of the other way around...i know, i know.
wish me luck that i dont die here at this tiny little wood laminate desk. i fear the left lung might be getting hacked up soon enough as well.
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