sweet squid baby doll tee by Deadworry.
i would totally rock it. monster scary and feminine.

ok, so i lied. apparently i completely suck at keeping up with blogging. its not my fault life has been doing its best to viciously attack me.
a few random updates:
1. my birthday was actually awesome. dave spoiled me rotten. and we had a really good day together. which of course, is always a win.
2. anyone know the game "ride the bus" apparently i suck at it. no bueno. know what else is no bueno? moonshine in a mason jar. terrifying. nice pick dave and zeke.
3. the expansion with kate cotten designs is coming along nicely, not nearly close enough in the time frame i prefer, but its going great so far! im bubbling over excited about it. which is pretty darn unusual for me.
4. im officially a complete loser and turning into ryon because i cannot wait for fall tv line ups. lame. i know. but what else am i supposed to do when im sitting there painting or making something?...i need distractions.
5. starbucks is my dirty mistress. (no surprise there)
6. ive got the fever! i am desperately craving another tattoo. and really missing my lip and nose rings. i think they were cute, i dont care what anyone says! i loved them. (cough*cough*akeem*cough)
7. lastly, i decided my dream if i won the lottery would be to open up a bookstore/art gallery/coffee shop. not that this has never been conceptualized before but, i could totally do it better. im just sayin.
8. dave and i have completely surprised ourselves…and we already have the venue, dress, cake, music, flowers (bouquet and boutonniere), favors, and décor already picked out for the wedding. now we can just hand it all over and let my mom take it from here and enjoy the ride. (im the worst soon-to-be-bride ever. sorry dave! I still love you!)
9. i hate the time travelers wife. it made my cry. so im mad at it. sue me.
10. i have the itch to pull out some of mine and daves vinyl and rock the fack out (we were even on a hunt one day and i found an original awesome condition pink floyd. and i also got him creedence clearwater and metallica and cream. i think thats the real reason why dave loves me. haha.) and to go out for a joy ride on the motorcycle. but the likelyhood of doing either tonight....zilch. maybe this weekend. hopefully.