ok, for those that dont know. i LOVE owls and birds. weird, i know. i have no idea why. well, thats not true. BUT i didnt JUST start liking them when they became like "the thing" ive always liked them. my grandmother collected little owl figurines and trinkets and i think i half picked it up from her then. lets just say it runs in the family then. my little wrist tattoo can attest to that. but theres just something about it. and im not saying im like an uber collector where no matter what it is or what it looks like if it has an owl on it, i want it. but i do love my owls. and so to show my appreciation...here are my top 5 favorite owl things of the moment.
the owl and the pussycat framed art. i want it bad! nope, not kidding.
for those who dont remember/know the poem here'tis.
just TRY not to giggle. and no, thats not why i like it.

check out this awesome ring by marmar. its just so simple & cute.
it looks like its directly out of a childrens book.
plus, im loving the green.
i am surprisingly in love with this.
even though its not really my style.
i want to wear it to daves brothers wedding.

check out this headphones owl tee by teeshirtgnome.
im loving the geo-retro style. plus it looks mighty comfy.

i think this little owl planter by fruitflypie is just adorable!
makes me want to put some cute little flowers in it
and put it in te kitchen window sill. love.
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